In Person
Unlock your phone and hold it
near the terminal.
Add your Santander debit or credit Mastercard to your digital wallet devices
so you can pay in-person, online or in app.
In Person
Unlock your phone and hold it
near the terminal.
Online and in Apps
Choose Google Pay at checkout
and complete the payment with your Santander® card.
Enjoy the ease and security
Your card number is never shared with the merchant or stored on your device.
Google Pay provides owners of Android® devices the ability to use their Android phones to make in store, in-app and online
payments using a Santander® credit or debit card.
1. Choose the Google Pay icon, and log in using your Google account information.
2. If you do not already have a Google account, you can create one.
3. Once logged in, you can touch ADD CARD in the Android Pay app to begin the process of adding your card.
4. Center the card in the on-screen window and Google Pay will read the card number or you can enter the card
number manually.
5. Verify or enter the additional information such as Cardholder Name, Expiration Date and Security Code.
6. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions. You may be prompted to select a delivery method for a One Time Passcode.
7. Enter the One Time Passcode and touch SUBMIT
8. Once complete, your card is ready for Google Pay.
The Secure Element is a dedicated chip in the device that securely stores the device account number.
Santander Bank does not charge for Google Pay. It does require an active data plan. Depending upon your wireless plan
and your carrier’s offering, additional message and data charges may apply. Santander does not charge any fees to add your
credit or debit card to Google Pay.
Your credit card terms, and conditions and your debit card Deposit Account agreement will apply for purchases.
For more details visit: https://pay.google.com/about
1Apple, the Apple logo, and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc.
2Google Pay, Android, Google Play, and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
32022 Samsung Pay is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. use only in accordance with law.