50+ Years’ Financing Experience
For Independent Leasing Companies
Drive business growth with commercial vehicle financing from Santander. Our industry specialists know the market, the vendors, and the vehicles. Take advantage of our extensive experience and ask us to create a customized commercial vehicle financing solution for you.
50+ Years’ Financing Experience
For Independent Leasing Companies
Leading Financing Source for Income-Producing Vehicles
Municipal Financing for Essential-Use Equipment
Choose the Right Program to Meet Your Need
Ask about our financing program for independent or dealer-affiliated leasing companies. We offer financing for most vehicles including corporate and government employer fleet vehicles, specialty vehicles, ambulances, tow trucks, and municipal vehicles. Our dedicated staff can help you manage your Santander portfolio while keeping your customer relationships strong.
We offer a range of customized financing for commercial vehicles, including tow trucks, livery, and school buses.
Areas of Focus
Towing and recovery
Commercial school bus contractors
Limousine and for-hire
Paratransit, wheelchair vans, and ambulances
Pavement, sweepers, and vacuum trucks
Transportation for daycare, nonprofit rehab, and assisted living
Take advantage of our strategic relationships with the leading names in the industry.
American Automobile Association (AAA)/Santander Finance Program
Ramp up your business to meet the needs of AAA members with Santander’s exclusive commercial truck financing program, available to service providers of both preferred and primary status.
Whether you’re buying, selling, or shopping for a heavy-duty truck, this program is designed for your business. Featuring customized payment plans, extended loan terms, and low rates, Santander’s Heavy-Duty Truck Financing Program can help you expand or upgrade your commercial fleet.
Our staff has the expertise to provide flexible financing options for your most challenging budget and procurement issues. From public safety vehicles to school buses, and emergency dispatch systems to technology, Santander's municipal leasing program can help your municipality purchase or lease assets today while managing a more affordable payment over time.
Vehicle Funding Group
* Financing available to qualified applicants only. A signed and completed application must be received by Santander Bank, N.A. (“Santander”) before a credit decision can be rendered. All terms, offers, rates, and payment plans are subject to the underwriting and credit rules, policies, guidelines, and criteria of Santander, which are determined by Santander in its sole discretion and are subject to change without notice. The 1 business day 24-hour time frame means 24 business hours when Santander is open and doing business.
The information herein has been provided by Santander for general information purposes. The information herein does not implicate any client, advisory, fiduciary, or professional relationship between you and Santander Bank. Neither Santander nor any other person is, in connection with the information herein, engaged in rendering auditing, accounting, tax, legal, advisory, consulting, or any other professional service or advice. The information should not be considered a substitute for your independent investigation and your sound technical business judgment. You should consult with a professional advisor familiar with your particular factual situation for advice or service concerning any specific matters.
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